Allegra Escorts Collective
Toronto Escorts

Recent content by Lakonia

  1. L

    Changed thanks for heads up

    Changed thanks for heads up
  2. L

    It's fucking gg scumbag agency

    It's fucking gg scumbag agency
  3. L

    I'll change it soon

    I'll change it soon
  4. L

    Driving impaired and causing someone's death will now cost you a lifetime driving ban under new measures being introduced by the Ford government.

    Sometimes you have to move backward to go forward. Nobody is afraid of anything these days. I just used capital punishment as an extreme example. Losing your license for life is not enough punishment for ending someone's life under DUI.
  5. L

    Driving impaired and causing someone's death will now cost you a lifetime driving ban under new measures being introduced by the Ford government.

    They should implement capital punishment. If you kill, by dui it should cost you your life. Then, we will see results. The same goes for any other major crime.
  6. L

    Benefits of Dandelions

    Greeks as well lol
Toronto Escorts