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  1. E

    Dirty emojis please

    For greater ease of communication and a more mobile-friendly user experience, we might make good use of more expressive emojis, specific to the hobby. For example, emojis for positions, emojis for repeatability, front-door digits, etc. And user-provided emojis could even be easy to administer...
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    how to deal with rude people?

    I find it easier to deal with rudeness after taking cultural differences into account. Is it rude for people to jump queues at bus stops/stations? To me, yes, but they might simply expect that to be done, as in their home country. Is it rude for people to honk their horns too much in traffic...
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    Sugar Dating Experience

    @FunInToronto2023, a sincere thank you for raising this. Mostly out of curiosity, I signed up for SA a few days ago after coming across this thread, and very unexpectedly, have had some wonderful interactions since, including my first introductory meetup with an absolute sweetheart. A few more...
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    Re. last hoorah: She has a NRP, and no pics are up or going up, but she's one of my top 5 after...

    Re. last hoorah: She has a NRP, and no pics are up or going up, but she's one of my top 5 after almost 20 years at this :) Savannah at Mirage
  5. E

    Indian Takeout or Catering in North Toronto

    I like Banjara. They opened a midtown location on Eglinton a little east of Yonge not too long ago (their Bloor/Christie location is more well known). Authentic food, great prices. There's also Jaipur Grille on Yonge south of Eglinton, haven't tried it recently but liked it in the past.
  6. E

    Can't breath through nose?

    The eating + lying in bed + lack of exercise he overweight? I had the same problem in reverse--breating through the nose was easier standing up, virtually impossible lying down. Some cardio work--yes, it was hard at the start--helped tremendously, where I only allowed myself to breath...
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    Joey Restaurant - Don Mills and Lawrence Area

    I second that! Good food + cute waitresses in black. I heard there's a patio above, didn't venture to check.
  8. E

    RBC to elderly $10,000 credit card scam victim........too up!

    Don't let the banks arbitrarily raise your c/c limits! Higher limit = higher fallout should your card be compromised. 2K-5K should be enough for most people. The article should have provided some context on this predatory practice of the banks, but the 'no comment' from RBC says a lot.
  9. E

    Teacher faces sack for writing 'loser' on poor exam paper did other students fare? Was she a good student otherwise? There's better context in this article: "" "Clement first noticed Roland's notes in November, when he wrote "loser" in...
  10. E

    End lower back pain, hopefully on a permanent basis......

    Macator I'm curious - did you ever try a low-intensity walking program to go along with the fitness club workout? I've done free weights at home since youth, and sometimes when picking it up after a short lapse I would do something to my back, usually something I'd feel the next day. When I...
  11. E

    anyone know any Sexy RMT's?

    Well if you're a teenager, Parks & Rec doesn't lack for cute girls. Especially at the pools :D
  12. E

    ZIP Cars...

    Go to and search for cars nearest your residence or place of work...I don't recall but Autoshare likely has something similar. Proximity was the biggest factor for me. I signed up with Zipcar about three years ago, at which time it was priced better than Autoshare. I've been...
  13. E

    How to piss a moron off in trafic.

    Absolutely, you could, and most of the time it would be enough. But the cars you see stopping during amber/red and red/red aren't the problem, they're following the rules. Plus the 'hurry up' side has to include those idiots that get stuck in the intersection freezing up traffic when the far...
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    How to piss a moron off in trafic.

    Nothing wrong with checking for crossing traffic before starting off at a green, even if it takes a second; too many idiots gunning through intersections as the light turns red.
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    Trafficking in Sleaze: ESPN's Erin Andrews stalked

    Gyaos sir, I'm impressed by your single-mindedness.
  16. E

    Python kills 2-year old girl in crib: 9/11 call

    Really, jail? Charge and punish them, absolutely (not that deterrence works on idiots), but certainly serious community service is more appropriate...and prohibit them from keeping exotic pets of course. And from working in a nuclear facility.
  17. E

    Wash your bum

    bidet or washlet? Anyone have any opinions on toilet/bidet combos ('washlets') versus standalone bidets? This is what I'm talking about - Lots to like about the washlet - space-efficient, one less fixture to clean in the bathroom, but its hard to get over the thought...
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    Timeless - Gail Stanwyck: She looks like a hooker. Look at her. Look at her! Could you love someone who looked like that? Fletch: What are you talking about? Of course not! Five, ten minutes tops, maybe.
  19. E

    Lastman proud he called in army

    Mel did impress me in standing by his wife when she was in trouble for shoplifting, can't remember but did he throw a punch at Adam Vaughn?
  20. E

    Do tats on a woman mean she is trashy?

    Or wearing your favourite piece of clothing (say, your Let's Dance tour t-shirt) All The Time! Like I did April 14 - June 12 in grade 8. Thanks Hornet, for that link. Not much for tattoos myself, but Nikki Taylor with her sister's name tattooed makes her 2x as hot for me.
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