Toronto Escorts

Search results

  1. RinardoEvoris

    Kijiji Massage Reviews

    So I've been in this hobby for 3-4 months now coming to Durham for work so it's a little safer than doing it in my neighbourhood. These reviews are in no particular order. I basically picked a central spot in Durham along the 401 and randomly chose "Within 24 km". I'm going to be as specific...
  2. RinardoEvoris

    Anyone been to or had luck with Fresh Touch Spa in Ajax?

    Hey! Been coming to Ajax more for work and this place is right down the road. I can't tell if this place is 100% Legit RMT or not so I took a little tour the other day. It has the neon "Open" sign, it has the fully covered windows like you get with MP's. (According to the HE FAQ on reddit...
  3. RinardoEvoris

    Aquario Beach Club Bikini Car Wash this weekend Aug 11th in Pickering

    I know this is slightly off topic but I figure it's in the same ballpark so I hope it's allowed. Looks like Aquario Beach Club (owners of the 905 Lounge I believe) are having a charity car wash this weekend (August 11th) Here is the poster I grabbed from Facebook on Imgur...
  4. RinardoEvoris

    Toronto Fringe Festival

    Hey there.. Anyone going? Anyone have thoughts on a good show? I'm not much of a theatre guy but my GF wants us to check it out. Toronto Fringe Festival Rinardo
  5. RinardoEvoris

    Q- Should I tell an SP I know her?

    Hey everyone, I've been a member of TERB for awhile, my main interest is the SC section but I love reading the whole board. Posting what I can etc.. etc... However rescently I noticed an SP on the board whom I know in "real life". What should I do? I met the person in a social circle...
  6. RinardoEvoris

    Rogers News Server - NNTP Slow?

    Hey everyone, Not sure how many people use Rogers and their news server to download movies etc.. but I have a question. Anyone else notice it's really.. really slow these last few days? I called them and they told me they've changed their service for improvements and they have a constant...
Toronto Escorts