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  1. B

    When did everyone start hobbying and how has it been?

    1989, and I remember it like yesterday. I was walking near a military base in Seoul Korea when this smoking hot little Asian girl grabs me and say you come with me GI Joe ! I followed her into an alley, up a fire escape and fucked her in this dingy little room for $50.00. In hindsight the sex...
  2. B

    where to buy nuru massage oil?

    thx, if this does not work i will contact the mp places for suggestions.
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    where to buy nuru massage oil?

    I'm in the process of organizing a little get together with a few people and am wondering if anyone can suggest a place or a reliable website to purchase nuru massage oil? it's my job to find it and am not having much success I have already tried the following 1/ seductions in toronto-dont...
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    What's the Most You've Benched Pressed?

    Nah, I beat you all......I press 420 every day (incline, flat decline, doesnt matter) and feel great afterwards. Rarely with reps though!
  5. B

    Question about a sticky divorce

    Better a stcky divorce than one that is cut and dry ! . California woman cuts off husband's penis Catherine Kieu Becker allegedly laced her husband's dinner with a drug A US woman drugged her estranged husband, tied him to a bed and cut...
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    Planning a Threesome

    wow, a 3some with 2 subs. it just does not get any better. i have had a little experience with this so my advice is to make sure you have a game plan/fantasy planned out. Leave go with the flow for future fun. One way i used to break the ice is by sending a dirty email with the start of the...
  7. B

    Where should I go for a pooning holiday?

    Buenos Aires is great but make sure you get a hotel close to ricoleta. The only problem I had with BA was it seemed most of the girls work in brothels and the good ones did not open till later in the evening. To find daytime girls you have to hit the little boutique incalls and that can be...
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    Long Hair or Short?

    I have seen Riley and have to say her current short hair gives her a cute l'il pixie look. While I did enjoy it I have to admit I did miss not having long hair with which i could of used to dominate her even more. riley, imo your look would become even more submissive and sexy with long hair...
  9. B

    ouch!great rejection line

    chuckling at the rejection lines everyone has heard of ! it always bruises a bit when you get rejected hard. and yes, I may be a dick, I may have driven her into the arms of another woman, and I may have had my manhood insulted. Thus the reason i was left speechless, slack jawed and with no...
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    ouch!great rejection line

    Ouch, got told last night by a girl that I have dated (and fucked a few times) that "I love dick but outside of the bedroom I prefer the company of woman and I've already had yours" had no clue what to say or do hope you have a good laugh at my expense!!! (I'm laughing myself btw) Anyone...
  11. B

    Have you ever been hit on by a gay man?

    yup, just like you said it.,
  12. B

    Have you ever been hit on by a gay man?

    not sure if this counts but my buddy rosco and i were fucking a few girls the other night and they said they would give us 200 dollars if I sucked his dick or vice versa. Laughed really hard and said, no problem, just add three zeros to the end of the 200 and we have a deal. Guess everyone has...
  13. B

    here's a story of mine. kinda pathetic but wtf

    don;t post much anymore and I do not want to seem critical but be a man. Tell her the truth. You miss the early days and the great sex. Then tell her you want her to come over (and use this exact line) so you can "fuck the shit out of her". (trust me, that will get a response!!) she will either...
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    Buying Propety Abroad

    I have spent a lot of time in SA and for sure it is a great place to buy. Couple of suggestions 1/ In your tag line it says you surf. In Tamarindo (costa rica) the surfing is exceptional and the ladies........awesome. Low crime and relatively cheap. San Jose is a non starter for me (lot's of...
  15. B

    Top Ten Cheesy SP Lines

    my personal favorite boy do you have a nice dick!!!! (translation, you have a small dick!!). If they say it's big (it's average.) and it's big when they say no fucking way that is going in me!! and yes, I get nice all the time and it makes me laugh every time it's said!! and thanks for this...
  16. B

    DVP Closed

    hey Big spender, focus on the positives like a great weekend in Montreal. I was also in montreal solo and had a great time!! followed by followed by a night at the Hilltop...
  17. B

    guys, do you tell your female friends that you are hobbying?

    wow Well i guess i am the Lone Ranger on this thread. Yeah, most of my friends and family (jesus, my dad and two uncles took me to a brothel when i was 16, oops i mean 18l) know i have hobbied and most are pretty open back. However I must admit, i am not very open with the extent to which i...
  18. B

    The first batch of favorites is always the best?

    No man, just keep fucking and you will find more . i remember my first batch, eva1(the polish girl for those who remember), bobbi, magi, kelly and veronica and thought the same after they retired. Well my next group was even better, (thisisvictoria, valeria, kim ly, mia, and jasmine jazz). Now...
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    opinion wanted- real date or pay for play

    thank you for the posts and opinions. I figure since it is bothering me I'm just going to come out and ask her direct what the deal is. I don't really care either way (paid or date) but don't want this to be left out there hanging. cheers bm
  20. B

    opinion wanted- real date or pay for play

    I find myself in a little bit of an awkward dilemma and am hoping I could get an opinon or 2 before i make my decison. Over the years I have had the fortune of staying in touch (via email only) with a few sp's well past their retirement. I am always amazed at how almost all of them have moved...
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