Toronto Escorts

Advice on how to avoid a shitty service

Raymond Reddington

New member
Sep 4, 2023
Hi guys,

so would be writing on my experience so far on how I avoid a shitty service especially in Barrie and its environs

first off, the place is filled with lots of terrible sp that up charge for everything and deliver a terrible service, doing a research on the SP before booking is good but with little information about majority of them on terb here, this are some tips you can try out

1.) no matter how horny you are don’t book an hour for a first time SP, it’s usually a bad idea, try and book for HH first and if the session is great you can then extend to the hour or more. Even for repeat SP , this tip works too, I’ve booked an hour 30 minutes session before and it was so terrible I had to leave in just 20 minutes and forfeit the rest of the time.
Remember, once money exchanges hands , it can’t be returned, better to loose $100 or $150 than loose $300 and still get a terrible experience

2.) don’t be afraid or shy of walking away if you not comfortable, but do this before paying . Sometimes you book a SP for the first time and don’t know what to expect, you walk into the room and she dosen’t look like what’s on her ad or her vibe is off, find and excuse to leave the room and don’t look back lol. You can say you left something in the car and would like to pick it up , just find an excuse .

3. always check terb or ask about the SP before booking , and if you lucky to secure a good SP , treat her right and your subsequent appointments would be amazing

any other tip or experience anyone has please feel free to share them
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Toronto Escorts