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Xbox Live vs. PS2 Online

Which ONLINE gaming format would you choose?


    Votes: 5 38.5%

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • PC Online

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • none - i dont game online

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Wickd Hotties Connoisseur
Oct 27, 2001
Which is better?

I would consider PS2O mainly for 2 games right now.

1) FFXI - looks amazing. I know, i know, it's been out in Japan for years already and PC users currently have a headstart. Any feedback on PC version would be good too.

2) SOCOM II - environments look larger than those in R63 for XBOX.

For XBOX, my reasons for going online would be:

1) Top Spin Tennis - best tennis game out there. Great graphics, great feel, love the 'attitude'. I think replay value would be extremely high.

2) Rainbow Six 3 - was a diehard fan of the original PC game. For those who have tried them both, is there much difference in gameplay from the original?

Additional info about setup costs, membership fees, server reliability/speed and customer service would be appreciated.




Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
I'd have to vote PC hands down too.

FPS control is much better with a keyboard and mouse, which is all I play online.

Also, the fastest link on PS2/XBOX live is a cable/dsl connection. That really limits the amount of players on one server.

Only 12 players online per game with counterstrike with XBL. 32 with the PC.

All those mods available for the PC. None for XBL.

Console gaming depends too much on the pipe coming into your living room. Right now, it's too weak to support the requirements needed.

Once broadband actually becomes a utility, I'll take another look at console gaming.



i am one

Well-known member
Jan 4, 2002
Unlike the other responses above, I actually read the original post and I'll have to say the Xbox is better because of the friends list, gamertag and matchmaking. The friends list is so simple yet so incredible and especially when you know a good number of people who also have Xbox Live you can play with.

Xbox Live is some $100/year now and some people will balk at the cost, but it's really just $8.33/month for having someone else take care of the servers, setup the whole XSN system, free downloadable new game content and the friends system.

Getting the PS2 online will cost you $60 for the network adapter and that's it. Right now the PS2 has EA's sports lineup available to play online as EA and Microsoft aren't on good terms right now (because EA wants a bigger share of the revenues coming from Xbox Live) while the Xbox has pretty much every other genre available.

If you're into MMORPGs then the PS2 has FFXI (and its $12-16USD/month fees) and the Xbox will have True Fantasy Online later in 2004.
With sports games it depends on whether you like EA or Sega and Microsoft's games. I like Microsoft's Top Spin Tennis, Links 2004 and Sega's ESPN Football, but I also like EA's NHL and NBA Live games.
First person shooters the Xbox has Crimson Skies, Rainbow Six 3, Counterstrike: CZ and MechAssault. The PS2 has SOCOM 2.
With racing games there's Xbox's Project Gotham Racing 2 but the PS2 will have Gran Turismo 4 later in the year (though I don't know if there'll be any online multiplayer with it).


For the posters above who didn't help and just said "The PC is better"... PC gaming is very similar to console gaming but also very different and they provide different experiences. I play first person shooters and I prefer the keyboard and mouse (I can play with a controller as well) but it's difficult to get a teamchat system going because there are half a dozen good voice apps and everyone is using a different one. With the PC I also have to deal with driver problems and patches. With consoles I have a huge tv screen and don't have to worry about crashes. Is one better than the other? Well it depends on the function and context of what you're doing and what you want.


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
I like the PS2 online for the simple fact i have yet to find a laggy game where with XBL i have come across some serious lag. I went to Canada computers and bought a wireless game 802.11G adapter for 124 bucks no drivers needed and use it on both machines on any TV in the house.
XBL has a lot more games available. From my understanding PS2 is having a lot more coming in 2004.
I prefer gaming on a console over my computer...... other then Unreal Tournament ;). After all they were made to play games. Plus if i install games my work takes longer :p .
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