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Actual Genocide in the Sudan: Children Piled Up and Shot


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
He didn't say that, at least not in the quote you used.

Strawmanning is a form of lying in this case.

Also this claim that you are anti zionist and not jew haters has been debunked over and over again.

Can one be opposed to anti zionism and not hate Jews. Sure

But you are your ilk are not those people. You ignore sexual slavery in Iraq and the bodies stacking up
You ignore Burma,
No fucks to give about Sudan and the fuckery going on in West Wakanda
No fucks to give about the much higher body count in Syria
No fucks to give about Hamas purposely targeting civilians with murdering hostage taking and rape
But when the IDF responds as Hamas knew they would when they purposely murdered civilians, having to root them out from a heavily built up area.
When Israel sends warnings and evacuation orders and it's Hamas that tells people to stay and be killed.
When Hamas has a history of not passing on IDF warnings to save civilians
When Hamas uses civilian targets like hospitals to hide out in
You and your hate monger fucks turn around and claim it's Israel trying to kill as many people as possible when it is obviously Hamas who is trying to get as many people killed as possible because as one of your terb friends points out, getting their people killed to get sympathy from retarded westerners is the only way they can gain their goals

Then you based these dead civilians and 20 or 30 K over 7 months is a very small number, I mean fuck, western militaries kill their own in peace time from accidents, and again Hamas is trying to get as many of their own people killed as possible you and your useful idiot friends claim it's genocide... even though it's deaths Hamas wants and is trying to embiggin.

Then we get the whole river to sea thing
"In an effort to moderate Hamas' public perception, a revised charter was issued in 2017, maintaining the goal of a Palestinian Islamic state to replace what it deems as an illegal and illegitimate Israel"

Nd yet it's Israel whose arab population continues to grow, whose arabs have the right to vote and practice their religion that you hate mongers claim are the genocidal ones.

Yeah it's a complete and total mystery why we call you people racist.*

Or maybe you just hate the ghey and want to get rid of the one country in the middle east where that is legal in favor of the Hamas and ordinary Palistinian practice of killing them and giving them the Poutine treatment of sending them flying off of buildings.

You are so consumed with Hatred that it seems you have become pro Trump like a lot of those special needs Hamas supporters in Michigan. Never mind that Trump is a firmer ally if Israel and republicans tend more so to support Israel... you are so consumed with hatred that you turn on a guy because he is standing up to genocide which might allow a guy who wants to even more stand up to genocide... actual genocide

Yeah and you wonder why people don't see the difference between you and a holocaust denier, it's a compete and utter mystery.*

*No it's not, that's me being a sarcastic fat fuck

You dont' give a fuck unless you blame jews
You constantly lie and defame [or is it slander, libel whatever]
You are so consumed with hate that you take the side of those who are trying to get people killed over those trying to prevent it while prusuing justice... and have the nerve to accuse them of wanting to kill as many as possible.
You take the side of people whose literal stated goal is genocide, while accusing of genocide the side that gives poeple the right to vote and under whose rule seems population growth.
Geno will tell us that this post proves that you are anti-Semitic.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
He didn't say that, at least not in the quote you used.

Strawmanning is a form of lying in this case.
Also this claim that you are anti zionist and not jew haters has been debunked over and over again.
That's a straw man.
You can't prove what's false
Zionists are the problem, not the Jewish people.

Can one be opposed to anti zionism and not hate Jews. Sure
But you are your ilk are not those people. You ignore sexual slavery in Iraq and the bodies stacking up
What 'ilk' is that?

You ignore Burma,
No fucks to give about Sudan and the fuckery going on in West Wakanda
No fucks to give about the much higher body count in Syria
No fucks to give about Hamas purposely targeting civilians with murdering hostage taking and rape
But when the IDF responds as Hamas knew they would when they purposely murdered civilians, having to root them out from a heavily built up area.
When Israel sends warnings and evacuation orders and it's Hamas that tells people to stay and be killed.
When Hamas has a history of not passing on IDF warnings to save civilians
When Hamas uses civilian targets like hospitals to hide out in
You and your hate monger fucks turn around and claim it's Israel trying to kill as many people as possible when it is obviously Hamas who is trying to get as many people killed as possible because as one of your terb friends points out, getting their people killed to get sympathy from retarded westerners is the only way they can gain their goals
Those threads die after one or two posts, wanna know why?
Because nobody spends 800 pages defending killing women and children.

Then you based these dead civilians and 20 or 30 K over 7 months is a very small number, I mean fuck, western militaries kill their own in peace time from accidents, and again Hamas is trying to get as many of their own people killed as possible you and your useful idiot friends claim it's genocide... even though it's deaths Hamas wants and is trying to embiggin.
Ah, the argument that Israel really is quite moral because they only killed 40,000 when they could kill all 2 million.
That's not really a winning line of debate, all it shows is that you understand exactly why Israel doesn't kill all 2 million and why they have killed 40,000.

Then we get the whole river to sea thing
"In an effort to moderate Hamas' public perception, a revised charter was issued in 2017, maintaining the goal of a Palestinian Islamic state to replace what it deems as an illegal and illegitimate Israel"
Same line in the Likud charter, but even more important, Israel has already wiped Palestine off the maps.
Every accusation is a confession, you've already achieved the most heinous act you think Hamas could do, wipe a country off the maps.
Same with genocide, you're smack dab in the middle of doing the most evil thing you think Hamas could do to Israelis, in the form of genocide.

Nd yet it's Israel whose arab population continues to grow, whose arabs have the right to vote and practice their religion that you hate mongers claim are the genocidal ones.
Israel is apartheid.

Yeah it's a complete and total mystery why we call you people racist.*
Genocide is the most evil form of racism known to humanity, apartheid is #2.
Think that might have something to do with it?

Or maybe you just hate the ghey and want to get rid of the one country in the middle east where that is legal in favor of the Hamas and ordinary Palistinian practice of killing them and giving them the Poutine treatment of sending them flying off of buildings.
Nice try.

You are so consumed with Hatred that it seems you have become pro Trump like a lot of those special needs Hamas supporters in Michigan. Never mind that Trump is a firmer ally if Israel and republicans tend more so to support Israel... you are so consumed with hatred that you turn on a guy because he is standing up to genocide which might allow a guy who wants to even more stand up to genocide... actual genocide
No, dude.
I march with Jews, there are Jews in every university protest, there are Jews in the dems against zionism.
Those are great people, people who are fighting not to have the Jewish people tarred by the zionist genocide.
You are working against that.

Yeah and you wonder why people don't see the difference between you and a holocaust denier, it's a compete and utter mystery.*
The holocaust happened but is no reason to implement another holocaust on another people.
You really can't understand what Never Again means.

You dont' give a fuck unless you blame jews
You constantly lie and defame [or is it slander, libel whatever]
You are so consumed with hate that you take the side of those who are trying to get people killed over those trying to prevent it while prusuing justice... and have the nerve to accuse them of wanting to kill as many as possible.
You take the side of people whose literal stated goal is genocide, while accusing of genocide the side that gives poeple the right to vote and under whose rule seems population growth.

Either you are filled with hate, you are trolling or you are retarded to an extreme degree that it makes one wonder how you can use a computer to post on terb. So it can't be retardation.
I'm not the one that starts calling other Jews 'self hating' if they are against zionism, colonialism, apartheid and genocide.
There is no hate in the free Palestine protests, only anger at letting people do horribly racist and evil shite to other humans.

The side trying to stop the genocide is not the side filled with hate.
The side that is killing 25,000 women and children is the one that needs to look at how much hate they are pushing.
You don't even see it in your posts, do you?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
You can't prove what's false
Do what Kautilya does when he can't prove something is false. He just dismissively out of had says that it's irrelevant.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Do what Kautilya does when he can't prove something is false. He just dismissively out of had says that it's irrelevant.
No, I prefer to just correct all straw man arguments these days if they are repeated.
You can't teach old dogs new tricks, sadly.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Ah, the argument that Israel really is quite moral because they only killed 40,000 when they could kill all 2 million.
That's not really a winning line of debate, all it shows is that you understand exactly why Israel doesn't kill all 2 million and why they have killed 40,000.
Use real numbers, not ones invented for purposes of propaganda.

Today at 9:14 PM
United Nations halves estimate of women and children killed in Gaza (

The United Nations has significantly adjusted Palestinian casualty figures for the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip, halving the number of women and children previously reported killed.

While more than 9,500 women and 14,500 children were reported among the fatalities by the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on May 6, two days later that number was revised significantly downward. Today, under 5,000 women and 8,000 children are now officially listed by the UN as casualties.

David Adesnik, director of research at the Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), told the National Post he suspects the discrepancy stems from the UN’s decision to quietly stop using figures provided by the Hamas-run Government Media Office (GMO).

“So you see May 6 and before, the GMO (is listed as a source); all of a sudden, May 8, they don’t cite a source,” Adesnik told the Post over the phone on Sunday. He pointed to the similarity between the new figures and those from a May 2 Gaza Health Ministry (GMH) report as a tip-off suggesting the UN had ditched the media office’s figures in favour of those from the health ministry, “even though they don’t say (the Gaza) Health Ministry in the thing.”

Related video: ‘Israeli actions in Gaza amount to genocide,’ says former PLO legal advisor (Al Jazeera)

“So clearly here we’ve done a switch from GMO’s big number, which never had any clear basis elaborated; like they just offered nothing but their own assertion. Whereas the Health Ministry does more to back its stuff up,” he said.

The differences between the two datasets was investigated by Gabriel Epstein of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy , an American think-tank, who found in late March they yielded “ wildly different and irreconcilable results, indicating that the media reports methodology is dramatically understating fatalities among adult males, the demographic most likely to be combatants.”

Epstein argued that his analysis of the two Hamas-run institutions “undercuts the persistent claim that 72 per cent of those killed in Gaza are women and children.”

Hillel Neuer, the executive director of UN Watch, an organization that monitors the body’s constellation of agencies, told the Post that the UN’s approach to monitoring Israel and Gaza is unique.

“The UN’s method of reporting deaths in Gaza is the complete opposite of what they do in other conflict situations,” Neuer said, pointing to the UN’s recent efforts in Ukraine where it has established “a defined methodology using individual records of civilian harm, where a standard of proof was met, namely, reasonable grounds to believe that the harm took place.”

Neuer suggested the divergent approach is due to institutional anti-Israel bias plaguing the international community.

“But when Israel can be blamed, it’s the complete opposite. For reporting Gaza deaths, there is no method, and no standard of proof. All the UN does is parrot figures supplied by Hamas, which is laundered and legitimized by the UN as the neutral-sounding ‘Gaza Ministry of Health,’ or ‘Government Media Office,’ when in fact both are run by the Hamas terrorist organization.”

Neuer called the significant update, which was not announced, as an admission “essentially … to have been feeding the media and the world completely false numbers.” The UN Watch leader encouraged the body to take a page out of its own playbook used during the Syrian Civil War , “when the UN Human Rights Office announced it had stopped updating the death toll … because it could no longer verify the sources of information, acknowledging its inability to verify ‘source material’ from others.”

The news comes a month after the Hamas-run Ministry of Health publicly disclosed that more than 10,000 previously reported fatalities had “incomplete data,” lacking basic biographical information such as their names. Such recent developments have cast serious doubts on earlier Hamas claims that 70 per cent of Palestinian casualties in the Israel-Hamas War were either women or children. According to the Times of Israel, the latest revision would bring the ratio of combatants to civilians killed in the conflict to nearly 1:1.

“Either way, the number would be historically low for modern urban warfare,” West Point’s urban war studies chair John Spencer wrote in late March, contextualizing the conduct of Israel’s military operations compared with other recent urban combat theatres such as Mosul, Iraq, in fighting against the Islamic State.

Two days after Spencer’s article, University of Pennsylvania professor Abraham Wyner spoke with the Post explaining a recent analysis of the Gaza Health Ministry he conducted, suggesting that the numbers were largely fabricated by Hamas to fit its political narrative.

“Hamas hasn’t provided detailed data since early in the war. And why should it?” Wyner said via email. “You use what you can.”

National Post


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Use real numbers, not ones invented for purposes of propaganda.

Today at 9:14 PM
United Nations halves estimate of women and children killed in Gaza (

The United Nations has significantly adjusted Palestinian casualty figures for the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip, halving the number of women and children previously reported killed.

While more than 9,500 women and 14,500 children were reported among the fatalities by the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on May 6, two days later that number was revised significantly downward. Today, under 5,000 women and 8,000 children are now officially listed by the UN as casualties.

David Adesnik, director of research at the Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), told the National Post he suspects the discrepancy stems from the UN’s decision to quietly stop using figures provided by the Hamas-run Government Media Office (GMO).

“So you see May 6 and before, the GMO (is listed as a source); all of a sudden, May 8, they don’t cite a source,” Adesnik told the Post over the phone on Sunday. He pointed to the similarity between the new figures and those from a May 2 Gaza Health Ministry (GMH) report as a tip-off suggesting the UN had ditched the media office’s figures in favour of those from the health ministry, “even though they don’t say (the Gaza) Health Ministry in the thing.”

Related video: ‘Israeli actions in Gaza amount to genocide,’ says former PLO legal advisor (Al Jazeera)

“So clearly here we’ve done a switch from GMO’s big number, which never had any clear basis elaborated; like they just offered nothing but their own assertion. Whereas the Health Ministry does more to back its stuff up,” he said.

The differences between the two datasets was investigated by Gabriel Epstein of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy , an American think-tank, who found in late March they yielded “ wildly different and irreconcilable results, indicating that the media reports methodology is dramatically understating fatalities among adult males, the demographic most likely to be combatants.”

Epstein argued that his analysis of the two Hamas-run institutions “undercuts the persistent claim that 72 per cent of those killed in Gaza are women and children.”

Hillel Neuer, the executive director of UN Watch, an organization that monitors the body’s constellation of agencies, told the Post that the UN’s approach to monitoring Israel and Gaza is unique.

“The UN’s method of reporting deaths in Gaza is the complete opposite of what they do in other conflict situations,” Neuer said, pointing to the UN’s recent efforts in Ukraine where it has established “a defined methodology using individual records of civilian harm, where a standard of proof was met, namely, reasonable grounds to believe that the harm took place.”

Neuer suggested the divergent approach is due to institutional anti-Israel bias plaguing the international community.

“But when Israel can be blamed, it’s the complete opposite. For reporting Gaza deaths, there is no method, and no standard of proof. All the UN does is parrot figures supplied by Hamas, which is laundered and legitimized by the UN as the neutral-sounding ‘Gaza Ministry of Health,’ or ‘Government Media Office,’ when in fact both are run by the Hamas terrorist organization.”

Neuer called the significant update, which was not announced, as an admission “essentially … to have been feeding the media and the world completely false numbers.” The UN Watch leader encouraged the body to take a page out of its own playbook used during the Syrian Civil War , “when the UN Human Rights Office announced it had stopped updating the death toll … because it could no longer verify the sources of information, acknowledging its inability to verify ‘source material’ from others.”

The news comes a month after the Hamas-run Ministry of Health publicly disclosed that more than 10,000 previously reported fatalities had “incomplete data,” lacking basic biographical information such as their names. Such recent developments have cast serious doubts on earlier Hamas claims that 70 per cent of Palestinian casualties in the Israel-Hamas War were either women or children. According to the Times of Israel, the latest revision would bring the ratio of combatants to civilians killed in the conflict to nearly 1:1.

“Either way, the number would be historically low for modern urban warfare,” West Point’s urban war studies chair John Spencer wrote in late March, contextualizing the conduct of Israel’s military operations compared with other recent urban combat theatres such as Mosul, Iraq, in fighting against the Islamic State.

Two days after Spencer’s article, University of Pennsylvania professor Abraham Wyner spoke with the Post explaining a recent analysis of the Gaza Health Ministry he conducted, suggesting that the numbers were largely fabricated by Hamas to fit its political narrative.

“Hamas hasn’t provided detailed data since early in the war. And why should it?” Wyner said via email. “You use what you can.”

National Post
Nothing has changed, hammy.
The GMO has always published the counted dead at hospitals, the reported dead and the missing.
The UN just separated the counted from the reported.

35,000 dead
25,000 women and children
10,000 more likely dead and buried.

The new number on that infographic says 24,000 identified of the 35,000 dead and another 10,000 missing and buried in rubble that they know of.
That's 45,000 that Israel has killed.

If you want accurate counts, stop the genocide and bring in aid.

Disclaimer: The UN has so far not been able to produce independent, comprehensive, and verified casualty figures; the current numbers have been provided by the Ministry of Health or Government Media Office in Gaza and the Israeli authorities and await further verification.Other yet-to-be verified figures are also sourced.



His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Use real numbers, not ones invented for purposes of propaganda.

Today, under 5,000 women and 8,000 children are now officially listed by the UN as casualties.

“Either way, the number would be historically low for modern urban warfare,”
West Point’s urban war studies chair John Spencer wrote in late March, contextualizing the conduct of Israel’s military operations compared with other recent urban combat theatres such as Mosul, Iraq, in fighting against the Islamic State.

1: 13K dead, in 5 months, at that latitude, in this time of year, completely confined in Skinner's kitchen. Dead people suck, I am in fact mocking the fellow travelers and useful idiots in the west with my comment.

2: Considering how any crackpot from the UN says anything that Frankie considers in his favor he is totally on their dick, even when failed states like South "lets rape kids to cure our AIDS" Africa are behind it, I wonder how he will shuck and jive to dismiss this.

3: I've been saying that myself, those numbers over 5 months is if anything utter evidence that Israel is trying very hard not to MDK the locals. Only a hate monger with total disregard for facts or evidence would claim Israel is trying to kill as many as they can.
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
He didn't say that, at least not in the quote you used.

Strawmanning is a form of lying in this case.

Also this claim that you are anti zionist and not jew haters has been debunked over and over again.

Can one be opposed to anti zionism and not hate Jews. Sure

But you are your ilk are not those people. You ignore sexual slavery in Iraq and the bodies stacking up
You ignore Burma,
No fucks to give about Sudan and the fuckery going on in West Wakanda
No fucks to give about the much higher body count in Syria
No fucks to give about Hamas purposely targeting civilians with murdering hostage taking and rape
But when the IDF responds as Hamas knew they would when they purposely murdered civilians, having to root them out from a heavily built up area.
When Israel sends warnings and evacuation orders and it's Hamas that tells people to stay and be killed.
When Hamas has a history of not passing on IDF warnings to save civilians
When Hamas uses civilian targets like hospitals to hide out in
You and your hate monger fucks turn around and claim it's Israel trying to kill as many people as possible when it is obviously Hamas who is trying to get as many people killed as possible because as one of your terb friends points out, getting their people killed to get sympathy from retarded westerners is the only way they can gain their goals

Then you based these dead civilians and 20 or 30 K over 7 months is a very small number, I mean fuck, western militaries kill their own in peace time from accidents, and again Hamas is trying to get as many of their own people killed as possible you and your useful idiot friends claim it's genocide... even though it's deaths Hamas wants and is trying to embiggin.

Then we get the whole river to sea thing
"In an effort to moderate Hamas' public perception, a revised charter was issued in 2017, maintaining the goal of a Palestinian Islamic state to replace what it deems as an illegal and illegitimate Israel"

Nd yet it's Israel whose arab population continues to grow, whose arabs have the right to vote and practice their religion that you hate mongers claim are the genocidal ones.

Yeah it's a complete and total mystery why we call you people racist.*

Or maybe you just hate the ghey and want to get rid of the one country in the middle east where that is legal in favor of the Hamas and ordinary Palistinian practice of killing them and giving them the Poutine treatment of sending them flying off of buildings.

You are so consumed with Hatred that it seems you have become pro Trump like a lot of those special needs Hamas supporters in Michigan. Never mind that Trump is a firmer ally if Israel and republicans tend more so to support Israel... you are so consumed with hatred that you turn on a guy because he is standing up to genocide which might allow a guy who wants to even more stand up to genocide... actual genocide

Yeah and you wonder why people don't see the difference between you and a holocaust denier, it's a compete and utter mystery.*

*No it's not, that's me being a sarcastic fat fuck

You dont' give a fuck unless you blame jews
You constantly lie and defame [or is it slander, libel whatever]
You are so consumed with hate that you take the side of those who are trying to get people killed over those trying to prevent it while prusuing justice... and have the nerve to accuse them of wanting to kill as many as possible.
You take the side of people whose literal stated goal is genocide, while accusing of genocide the side that gives poeple the right to vote and under whose rule seems population growth.

Either you are filled with hate, you are trolling or you are retarded to an extreme degree that it makes one wonder how you can use a computer to post on terb. So it can't be retardation.
You don’t seem to know the difference between reality and a Marvel movie. West Wakanda?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
You don’t seem to know the difference between reality and a Marvel movie. West Wakanda?
He's spoofing you and you're too dumb to know what he's doing.

Go back to posting Max Blumenthal, Klatty.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
1: 13K dead, in 5 months, at that latitude, in this time of year, completely confined in Skinner's kitchen. Dead people suck, I am in fact mocking the fellow travelers and useful idiots in the west with my comment.

2: Considering how any crackpot from the UN says anything that Frankie considers in his favor he is totally on their dick, even when failed states like South "lets rape kids to cure our AIDS" Africa are behind it, I wonder how he will shuck and jive to dismiss this.

3: I've been saying that myself, those numbers over 5 months is if anything utter evidence that Israel is trying very hard not to MDK the locals. Only a hate monger with total disregard for facts or evidence would claim Israel is trying to kill as many as they can.
The numbers are the same, 24,000 identified dead, 10,000 more reported but not confirmed, 10,000 more buried in rubble and missing, likely dead.
45,000 dead
85,000 injured
1 million near starvation



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Most of these guys like Southpaw, Y2k are just different handles for the same Jew haters like: Nottiboi, Frank, Danmand/Klatuu.
No, Southpaw is a very consistent poster who doesn't like international involvement though he does feel that Jews have more influence than anyone else. Y2k is also rational and though I disagree with him on a some things I agree with him on others and generally respect his posts.

And also worth saying is you have a lengthy history of posts pushing racial ideas that I disagree with.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Stop trying to claim all Jews are zionists, hammy, its not true.
I love when you feel the need to post an extremely fringe group of Jews as representative of everyone. BTW. These are the same group that attended Iran's Holocaust denial conference a few years back.

p.s. Their view is god will give them Israel when the time is right. They give even less of a shit about Palestinians that you do.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I love when you feel the need to post an extremely fringe group of Jews as representative of everyone. BTW. These are the same group that attended Iran's Holocaust denial conference a few years back.

p.s. Their view is god will give them Israel when the time is right. They give even less of a shit about Palestinians that you do.
I'll stick to posting from the 'self hating Jews' like IJVCanada, IfNotNOw, etc.

So what's your plan for Sudan?
Send them some 2,000 lb bombs for peace?
Or is this just a prime real estate opportunity now?



Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
No, Southpaw is a very consistent poster who doesn't like international involvement though he does feel that Jews have more influence than anyone else. Y2k is also rational and though I disagree with him on a some things I agree with him on others and generally respect his posts.

And also worth saying is you have a lengthy history of posts pushing racial ideas that I disagree with.
I guess you missed the post were he calls Jews hooked nose group.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I'll stick to posting from ...
Any fringe group that you think supports your crusade.

The reality is in this case you posted a group of nuts who attended Iran's Holocaust denial conference. They are an extremely fringe group and so stupid that they allow Iran (and you) to use them when justifying anti-semitic views.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

So what's your plan for Sudan?
Step 1: Raise media profile so people actually care about the world's current worst famine.
Step 2: Push governments and the UN to put aside their proxy battles for Sudan's gold and oil and instead push for a ceasefire.
Step 3: Increase humanitarian aid.
Step 4: Hold RSF leadership accountable for genocide (an actual genocide)

How about your plan? Be careful though because discussing this topic might mean you admitting that not everything in the world revolves around your Jew fixation.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Any fringe group that you think supports your crusade.

The reality is in this case you posted a group of nuts who attended Iran's Holocaust denial conference. They are an extremely fringe group and so stupid that they allow Iran (and you) to use them when justifying anti-semitic views.
You think Torah Jews are holocaust deniers?

Are they 'self hating Jews' like this guy?
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