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Israel at war


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Give us your sources. What did you read that gave you this version? Did you take a university course on Middle East history?

Let’s see if they are independent.

What are the odds on him deflecting? 100%?
You have nothing. Stating Israel wiped Palestine off the the sources...


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Incoherent sentences with excessive punctuations. Yes, the majority of present day Israelis originated in Europe and other parts of the middle east and have nothing to do with PALESTINE. They are all settlers. The original Jews who lived there were minorities in Hebron, Jerusalem etc., And after these colonialists got there, they have now implemented policies that are apartheid. How do you not know anything Rich? 🤦‍♂️
again, your stupidity is wafting you can't find out how jews end up in Europe?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Read your history're just blabbing you have evidence Israel wiped Paletine? Sources? UN? no, ICJ it. or let's keep it rolling and you lose again..
You already said its true, you said there is no Palestine on the map the way there was before partition and the zionist occupation.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
again, your stupidity is wafting you can't find out how jews end up in Europe?
Just the same way Christians like me ended up in India I guess? Religion spreads. But looks like even if you try knowledge and facts cannot be spread to Rich. He is immune! 😂
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Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Bull Burr puts Maher's bitch ass in its place. Hilarious and satisfying! 😂

In 1994, Arafat moved to Gaza City, which was controlled by the Palestinian National Authority (PNA)—the provisional entity created by the Oslo Accords.[103] Arafat became the President and Prime Minister of the PNA, the Commander of the PLA and the Speaker of the PLC. In July, after the PNA was declared the official government of the Palestinians, the Basic Laws of the Palestinian National Authority was published,[106] in three different versions by the PLO. Arafat proceeded with creating a structure for the PNA. He established an executive committee or cabinet composed of twenty members. Arafat also replaced and assigned mayors and city councils for major cities such as Gaza and Nablus. He began subordinating non-governmental organizations that worked in education, health, and social affairs under his authority by replacing their elected leaders and directors with PNA officials loyal to him. He then appointed himself chairman of the Palestinian financial organization that was created by the World Bank to control most aid money towards helping the new Palestinian entity.[104]

Arafat established a Palestinian police force, named the Preventive Security Service (PSS), that became active on 13 May 1994. It was mainly composed of PLA soldiers and foreign Palestinian volunteers. Arafat assigned Mohammed Dahlan and Jibril Rajoub to head the PSS.[104] Amnesty International accused Arafat and the PNA leadership of failing to adequately investigate abuses by the PSS (including torture and unlawful killings) against political opponents and dissidents as well as the arrests of human rights activists.[107]

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Poor education
One mystery of Yasser Arafat's life seemed unsolved at the time of his death: How much money did he have, and where is it? In the mid-1990s, Arafat controlled a financial empire worth at least $3 billion. By the time of his death, he was down to his last $1 billion, according to Israeli intelligence estimates. Palestinian leaders believe his widow Suha would like to make off with what is left of his cash, a suspicion deepened by her charges last week that Arafat's successors were "trying to bury [him] alive."
But Arafat's widow may not receive as much as she might hope. People involved with the Palestinian leader's finances say Suha's outburst came after she learned that Arafat signed over at least $800 million to the government of the Palestinian Authority two years ago. Several hundred million dollars more in cash for the P.L.O. and Arafat's Fatah faction devolved to the new leaders of those groups, who detest Suha. Top Palestinian officials say Suha wants the new chief of the P.L.O., Mahmoud Abbas, and Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei to give her money out of the P.L.O.'s party coffers. But the organization is not as flush as it once was. A senior P.L.O. official says "they'll pay her a pension, and that's it."

So what happens to the rest? For years investigators have followed Arafat's money trail in an effort to find out how the billions of dollars donated to the Palestinian cause have been spent. Although many details of Arafat's financial dealings remain murky, the evidence suggests that by his death, the Palestinian leader had squandered much of the fortune he had built in the name of his people. Before the 1991 Gulf War, Arafat received millions from gulf states, including at least $50 million a year from Saudi Arabia. Palestinians working in the gulf had to pay tax to the P.L.O. He spent the cash on stipends and services for the 4 million Palestinian refugees, but most of it went to finance "military operations" and buy the support of cronies. The money started to dry up in 1991, when Arafat backed Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War and lost the support of governments in the gulf, which expelled most of their Palestinian workers, cutting Arafat's tax revenue.

The Oslo peace process provided a brief windfall for the Palestinians, bringing Arafat $4 billion in donations from the U.S., the European Union, Japan and sales tax gathered by Israel that was passed on to him. But much of that was wasted or skimmed by corrupt Arafat associates. When a Palestinian Authority audit exposed the corruption in 1997, Arafat ordered future audits to be kept secret.

Although he led an ascetic existence in Ramallah, Arafat lavished money siphoned from Palestinian coffers on cronies, family members and militant groups. There was income from bank accounts and businesses spread across the world, often held in others' names. A senior Palestinian intelligence official says Arafat had a stake in a Hebron furniture company and a Syrian sewing factory. Senior Palestinian security officials tell TIME that Arafat shipped money to the gunmen of the Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. The most conspicuous recipient of Arafat's largesse was Suha. People familiar with Arafat's finances say the Palestinian leader sent Suha $200,000 a month out of the Palestinian Authority's budget for the Office of the President. French authorities are investigating transfers of $11.5 million from Swiss banks to Paris accounts in Suha's name at the Arab Bank and at BNP Paribas Bank, a French bank.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
One mystery of Yasser Arafat's life seemed unsolved at the time of his death: How much money did he have, and where is it? In the mid-1990s, Arafat controlled a financial empire worth at least $3 billion. By the time of his death, he was down to his last $1 billion, according to Israeli intelligence estimates. Palestinian leaders believe his widow Suha would like to make off with what is left of his cash, a suspicion deepened by her charges last week that Arafat's successors were "trying to bury [him] alive."
But Arafat's widow may not receive as much as she might hope. People involved with the Palestinian leader's finances say Suha's outburst came after she learned that Arafat signed over at least $800 million to the government of the Palestinian Authority two years ago. Several hundred million dollars more in cash for the P.L.O. and Arafat's Fatah faction devolved to the new leaders of those groups, who detest Suha. Top Palestinian officials say Suha wants the new chief of the P.L.O., Mahmoud Abbas, and Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei to give her money out of the P.L.O.'s party coffers. But the organization is not as flush as it once was. A senior P.L.O. official says "they'll pay her a pension, and that's it."

So what happens to the rest? For years investigators have followed Arafat's money trail in an effort to find out how the billions of dollars donated to the Palestinian cause have been spent. Although many details of Arafat's financial dealings remain murky, the evidence suggests that by his death, the Palestinian leader had squandered much of the fortune he had built in the name of his people. Before the 1991 Gulf War, Arafat received millions from gulf states, including at least $50 million a year from Saudi Arabia. Palestinians working in the gulf had to pay tax to the P.L.O. He spent the cash on stipends and services for the 4 million Palestinian refugees, but most of it went to finance "military operations" and buy the support of cronies. The money started to dry up in 1991, when Arafat backed Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War and lost the support of governments in the gulf, which expelled most of their Palestinian workers, cutting Arafat's tax revenue.

The Oslo peace process provided a brief windfall for the Palestinians, bringing Arafat $4 billion in donations from the U.S., the European Union, Japan and sales tax gathered by Israel that was passed on to him. But much of that was wasted or skimmed by corrupt Arafat associates. When a Palestinian Authority audit exposed the corruption in 1997, Arafat ordered future audits to be kept secret.

Although he led an ascetic existence in Ramallah, Arafat lavished money siphoned from Palestinian coffers on cronies, family members and militant groups. There was income from bank accounts and businesses spread across the world, often held in others' names. A senior Palestinian intelligence official says Arafat had a stake in a Hebron furniture company and a Syrian sewing factory. Senior Palestinian security officials tell TIME that Arafat shipped money to the gunmen of the Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. The most conspicuous recipient of Arafat's largesse was Suha. People familiar with Arafat's finances say the Palestinian leader sent Suha $200,000 a month out of the Palestinian Authority's budget for the Office of the President. French authorities are investigating transfers of $11.5 million from Swiss banks to Paris accounts in Suha's name at the Arab Bank and at BNP Paribas Bank, a French bank.
Totally irrelevant to the discussion about why Israel chose not to end the occupation and instead institute apartheid followed by genocide.

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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Self loving Jew, and comedian, Eric Andre: "Stop weaponizing Antisemitism. Not in my name"



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
No. Israel has committed terrorism against Palestinians since 1948.
And Palestinians have sat by and committed no aggressive acts against Israel? No terrorism of their own? No 1972 Olympic hostage and murders? You make it sound like the Palis are angels. You're so biased, your posts become irrelevant.

committed October 7 was retaliatory terrorism for which Israel retaliated with MORE terrorism AND genocide. Oct. 7 was pretty f'n stupid.

And therefore, there will even more retaliatory terrorism against Israel, if a long term 2 state solution isn't worked out.
That will give you another opportunity to complain about Israel's disproportionate response. Everything is all so predictable yet you and the Palis continue to seek out ways for your lives to be ruined even more.

But you are right, that it's time for the Palis/Hamas to realize that they need to work out a peace solution even if it means they have to make some concessions.

Is there a word in Arabic that means concessions? If there is, maybe it's the same word they also use for self-inflicted pain and suffering. Maybe that's the problem.
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
And Palestinians have sat by and committed no aggressive acts against Israel. No rerrorism of their own. No 1972 Olympic hostage and murders. You make it sound like the Palis are angels. You re so biased, your posts become irrelevant.

committed October 7 was retaliatory terrorism for which Israel retaliated with MORE terrorism AND genocide. Oct. 7 was pretty f'n stupid.

That will give you another opportunity to complain about Israel's disproportionate response. Everything is all so predictable yet you and the Palis continue to seek out ways for your lives to be ruined even more.
Israeli state terrorism is aimed at the oppression and destruction of the Palestinians and their identity, with the sole aim of stealing as much land as possible with as little Palestinians as possible.

Palestinian terrorism is retaliatory to said oppression by Israel. The more you oppress people the more radical they will become. Which is what happened with Hamas' formation in 1987/88 after the First Intifada against Israeli occupation. Israel then proceeded to prop up Hamas and even ferried cash to them, so they can keep the Palestinian statehood efforts from ever materializing.

Therefore Israel is solely to be blamed because they created Palestinian terrorism by oppressing the Palestinians for decades, and then nurtured them for political gain. This war is no different - it has already created many, many future Hamas foot soldiers. Consequently Israel is the more guilty party of the two. If you were unbiased you'd realize this.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Palestinian terrorism is retaliatory
Which is not a justification for terrorism.

Therefore Israel is solely to be blamed
And Santa Claus is real. Your conclusions are all predicated on your admitted bias against Israel. That last statement is a joke.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Which is not a justification for terrorism.
Thanks for admitting Israel practices state terrorism against the Palestinians. Which is why Israel's terroristic and genocidal actions in Gaza have absolutely no justifications.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Thanks for admitting Israel practices state terrorism against the Palestinians. Which is why Israel's terroristic and genocidal actions in Gaza have absolutely no justifications.
Your comprehension issues have clearly not been resolved. I was referring to Hamas/Palestinian terrorism having no justification.

Israel has not been declared a terrorist state.
There have been no UN resolutions passed declaring that Israel has committed genocide or apartheid.
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