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The AOC Thread


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Mitch, we know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, but surely tf you could listen to your own fucking video and get it accurate.

The exchange is:

AOC "What crime did President Biden commit precisely?"

Sleazebag fake witness: "Bluh-bluh-bluh-bluh.... "

AOC "What crime did President Biden commit precisely?"

Sleazebag fake witness "Bluh-bluh-bluh, err RICO."

AOC "RICO is not a crime. It's a CATEGORY of crimes."

That's it. That's the fucking exchange. She didn't say that RICO wasn't criminal, nor was she too stupid to know what RICO was. She simply fucking corrected the witness.

Now I wasted 5 fucking minutes listening to this and I am less than amused. So try and get shit correct and be less of a class clown, please.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
It's astounding that definitive proof that the spin coming out of the firehose is a lie and it keeps being put out there. What's wrong with people like that? Are they stupid? Mean? Hoping to destroy the usa? Have they no pride? Ethics? Standards? Were they raised by wolves? Would their parents stand for that sort of behavior? Would an alleged real man keep putting out stuff they know is wrong? I know it's a fun game for some, but have these people no decency? And then these same folks decry loss of morals.
Look - I've been wrong. I'm not perfect. But if I find out I'm wrong I stop repeating. For example, I repeated something I heard that Fox news was banned in Canada because of its bias. I found out it was not true. I apologized and have never put that out since.
It's not that hard.
I used to watch Fox alot. But to see routine half truths put out regularly made me stop. And get angry that they assumed such contempt for me to keep doing that.
Apologies for the rant. I actually like many of you whom I disagree. But..c'mon...


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Ahh mitch. I love you man.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
AOC is so damn sexy but a beast on the floor of the house.

She is sexy, but didn't Bobulinski actually name crimes and a category of crimes? Being able to prove them is another thing, but corruption and RICO violations seem to be crimes. Bobulinski is speaking as a witness of events not as a lawyer. I'm not sure exactly why he has to describe the crimes in question.

AOC basically did what both Republican and Democrat Congressional members do at these hearings. They preach, lecture and ask questions of those testifying where the answers of those testifying that are really not important to the matter at hand.

PS- The reporter Melanie Zanona is thick and fine. I would like to see her and AOC on the floor.

cnn-reporter-melanie-zanona-poses-for-photographers-as-she-arrives-at-the-annual-white-house-c...jpg sqv7dcieqm7b1.jpg
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