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Iranian rapper to be hanged for supporting protests anti hijab...confirms Iran is a POS nation


Active member
Nov 24, 2023
A popular dissident Iranian rapper has been sentenced to death for supporting protests over the death of a woman arrested for wearing an 'improper' hijab.

Toomaj Salehi, 33, will be hanged for charges linked to a period of nationwide unrest following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police custody in 2022, Salehi's lawyer told Iranian newspaper Sharq on Wednesday.

In public statements, Salehi had vocalised support for the wave of 'Women, Life, Freedom' demonstrations, leading to his arrest in October 2022.

He also released songs criticising the Iranian regime and demanding greater liberties and women's rights. Salehi had posted pictures of himself attending some of the protests in support of Iranian-Kurd Mahsa Amini.

Amini died in September 2022 after being arrested for allegedly violating strict hijab rules. Demonstrations since have led to thousands of arrests, as well as reports of torture and death at the hands of the Iranian state.

Following his 2022 arrest, Salehi was sentenced last year to six years and three months in prison for 'corruption on Earth', but avoided a death sentence due to a Supreme Court ruling.

The Supreme Court found 'flaws in the original sentence' and returned the case to a lower court for re-examination.

'Branch One of the Revolutionary Court of (the central city of) Isfahan in an unprecedented move, did not enforce the Supreme Court's ruling ... and sentenced Salehi to the harshest punishment,' his lawyer Amir Raisian told Sharq.

The Revolutionary Court had accused Salehi of 'assistance in sedition, assembly and collusion, propaganda against the system and calling for riots',Raisian said.

Iranian judiciary has not confirmed the sentence yet. Salehi has 20 days to appeal the ruling.

'We will definitely appeal this verdict,' his lawyer said.

Salehi has since alleged torture in prison, according to Iran Wire.

The rapper refuted the accusations against him during the trial in March, according to Raisian.

The rapper's page on Twitter/X, managed by his relatives, said at the time the only just verdict would be his full 'acquittal and release'.

'There was no legal and justified citation,' they claimed.

In a social media post prior to his arrest, Salehi wrote: 'You should know that I am not afraid of death, imprisonment, and torture.

'What I fear is to see women sell their bodies out of want and shut my mouth.

'I am afraid of watching people bend into the trash bin up to their waist [to find food] but remain silent; to see you beat a worker and stay quiet; to witness your killing of a protester and torturing of his justice-seeking family, and shut up… There's a sea of blood between you and me.'

Salehi was first arrested in September 2021 after his songs about corruption, poverty, executions and violence against protestors went viral.



Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
The Iranians position on human rights might stink to the heavens, but I can't question their stance on rap music...


Active member
Nov 24, 2023
The Iranians position on human rights might stink to the heavens, but I can't question their stance on rap music...
This is one of the good guys, they hate him because he dosen't bow to the Ayatollass.


Active member
Nov 24, 2023
Not suprised if they execute the journalist too.

Iran Summons Journalist for Reporting Outrage Over Rapper's Death Sentence

As protests erupted against the death sentence given to rapper Toomaj Salehi, the Tehran Prosecutor's Office targeted journalists reporting on the public outcry.

On April 25, Milad Alavi, a journalist for Shargh newspaper, was summoned for publishing a video of citizens' reactions to Salehi's sentence.

This action coincided with the widespread demonstrations against the young artist's sentencing.

The journalist's alleged offense is sharing a video on X social media that documented public outrage over Salehi's fate.

This is not Alavi's first brush with authority. He has a history of being summoned and arrested for publishing critical reports.

Previously, a tweet about the death of Armita Geravand resulted in accusations of "propaganda against the Islamic Republic."

A Revolutionary Court in central Isfahan sentenced Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi to death on Wednesday. Salehi had supported the 2022 nationwide protests for civil freedoms and women's rights.



Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
The difference is that in the US the students get arrested and then let go, in Iran your beloved Ayatollahs kill them.

The difference is that living in United States is a whole lot nicer than living in Iran, gaza, Russia or North Korea and whoever else their friends are


Active member
Nov 24, 2023
The difference is that living in United States is a whole lot nicer than living in Iran, gaza, Russia or North Korea and whoever else their friends are
No shit, they come from there and complain about here.


Active member
Nov 24, 2023
Iranian Disabled Man Gets Four Years in Prison for 'Supporting Israel'

Iranian authorities have sentenced a disabled man to four years in prison for "supporting" Israel online.

The Criminal Court of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province charged Omid Izadi Sadeghabadi for "spreading propaganda against the Islamic Republic through media activities and supporting Israel" and "publishing false information to disturb public opinion."

Izadi Sadegh-Abadi, 35, lives in the Saman district of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I have proof you support homophobes. That's all the proof I needed to expose you. You fucked up.

All you have now is distracting comments to draw attention away from you.

I enjoy watching you's sport to me and you never disappoint.
Go ahead, provide the proof you are an incel who backs rape.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I have proof you support homophobes. I've already shown you.
That's why you are trying to distract.
You're failing at that btw homophobe.
Go ahead, show it.
If you have proof, bring it.

Lets see you present the proof that you think you are a rapist and an incel, lets see your logic and evidence.


Active member
Nov 24, 2023
How infamous can they be? Denying families to visit the dead?

Iran Bans Families from Graves of Executed Political Prisoners

Iranian security forces have once again barred family members from visiting the graves of political prisoners executed in 1988 as crackdowns on dissent continue to impact human rights.

Mansoureh Behkish, a representative of families seeking justice for those executed in 1988, said families "placed photos of their loved ones behind closed doors and showered them with flowers" at Khavaran Cemetery, east of Tehran.

Khavaran is the resting place for an undisclosed number of executed prisoners, interred in both mass and individual graves. The site was designated for the burial of non-Muslims, including Armenian Christians, Hindus, and members of the persecuted Baha'i faith.

The exact number of prisoners executed from August 1988 to February 1989 remains undisclosed by the authorities, with estimates suggesting the deaths of between 4,500 and 10,000 prisoners incarcerated at the time the clerical regime decided to eliminate those deemed oppositional. The majority of the victims were affiliated with the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK), along with Marxists and activists from various leftist groups.

The repeated denial of entry, also enforced earlier on March 15, coincides with recent actions against the Baha'i community, where the security apparatus has forced the burial of deceased Baha'is in newly dug graves at Khavaran, continuing the harassment of Iranian Baha'i citizens.

For more than three decades since the mass execution of thousands of political prisoners in 1988 and their secretive burial in Khavaran and other locations across Iran, the government of the Islamic Republic has been actively attempting to destroy or repurpose the sites of the mass graves.

Iran has renewed its wave of executions, last year over 800 mostly political prisoners were killed as the regime struggles to fight for legitimacy on the back of the 2022 uprising which has posed the biggest challenge to the government since the founding of the Islamic Republic in 1979.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Ah, Houthis schooling America about freedoms while waving their posters saying "death to America, Death to Israel, A curse upon the Jews".

No wonder that Franky loves these guys.

Toronto Escorts