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Why are black people so poor?


New member
Aug 25, 2006
Sorry if im offending people....

I dont get it? They've beenin da states for 400 yrs...they got affirm. action nd all that other bullshit...

chinese come here as poor immigrants. Work in restaurants/ sweat shops...there children go to college and the next generation is rich.
statistics prove that Asians are richer than white americans...

I mean even in Canada, blacks didnt suffer as much rascism/ discrimination as the black in the states..there was no racial seregation here..most blacks in canada came as immigrants in the 70's, 80's with the SAME OPPORTUNITIES as Asians, Latins, Europeans...

In almost every country, blacks are the poorest...WHY IS THAT??? USA, Canada, France, Brazil, UK etc.............Asians no matetr where they are, are always succesfull.......

I DONT GET IT...The Chinese, there hav been many laws like anti chinese, chinese exlusion act in the past, but we still beat all da almost every western country or even south east asia, the Chinese came as poor immigrants and even with all the odds against them (IN A WHITE MAN'S WORLD, A CHINAMAN IS STILL A CHINA MAN), still manage to become more succesfull then the avarage white american...

Evry top university is at least 30-40% Asian...and Asians make less than 5% of the population...In Canada u of t is like 70% Asian....and affirm. action DOES NOT BENEFIT ASIANS....


ps. srry if im insensitive, Im trying to learn, no rascism, no h8...

pls educate me,...

pls answer the question in BOLD Font, TKS..


New member
Oct 12, 2004
BabyMilo said:
Sorry if im offending people....

I dont get it? They've beenin da states for 400 yrs...they got affirm. action nd all that other bullshit...

chinese come here as poor immigrants. Work in restaurants/ sweat shops...there children go to college and the next generation is rich.
statistics prove that Asians are richer than white americans...

I mean even in Canada, blacks didnt suffer as much rascism/ discrimination as the black in the states..there was no racial seregation here..most blacks in canada came as immigrants in the 70's, 80's with the SAME OPPORTUNITIES as Asians, Latins, Europeans...

In almost every country, blacks are the poorest...WHY IS THAT??? USA, Canada, France, Brazil, UK etc.............Asians no matetr where they are, are always succesfull.......

I DONT GET IT...The Chinese, there hav been many laws like anti chinese, chinese exlusion act in the past, but we still beat all da almost every western country or even south east asia, the Chinese came as poor immigrants and even with all the odds against them (IN A WHITE MAN'S WORLD, A CHINAMAN IS STILL A CHINA MAN), still manage to become more succesfull then the avarage white american...

Evry top university is at least 30-40% Asian...and Asians make less than 5% of the population...In Canada u of t is like 70% Asian....and affirm. action DOES NOT BENEFIT ASIANS....


ps. srry if im insensitive, Im trying to learn, no rascism, no h8...

pls educate me,...

pls answer the question in BOLD Font, TKS..
Learn the history about of the slave trade.
Learn history of the USA.
What you see today is the result of the past.
If you want education go to school again and learn to spell.
It’s idiots like you who perpetuate racism


Just Horny
Aug 22, 2001
between the sheets
Poverty spans the races. There is also wealthy people from a variety of races also. I guess the question is why do you have the perception all blacks are poor and from your statements that chinese are doing well.


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2005
That's a good question, though very politically-incorrect. I suppose anyone could toss out some 'incorrect' ideas:

- maybe blacks on average aren't as smart as other races, (I mean they aren't the chinese) maybe they are a more 'physical' people, rather than intellectual.

- blacks may have affirm. action, but employers will 'prefer' other races first. (I mean any employer, especially for white collar will try and fill their 'dark skin quota' with east-indians instead.)

- black culture has to play a role. Look at the 'delinquint' peer groups that many blacks grow up in.

- blacks often are raised in poor, crime-ridden neighbourhoods, if so they'll go to lousy schools, filled with other poor, blacks

- black men tend not to go to University, even when they do they're usually ill-prepared and aren't able to do more than just scrape-through

- blacks just aren't marrying as often as other people. There's so many young single-moms raising kids - which is a pretty-direct route to poverty

So politically-incorrect...Why can't they just fuckin assimilate like every other culture?

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I think you're looking at it too simplistically. I believe you are not racist but your post reeks of ignorance. There is no single reason why as an ethnic group blacks have not achieved the economic successes of other ethnic groups - for ex. the Jewish population. You could argue factors such as the cycle of poverty, the "ghettoization" of the black community, blatant racism, media stereotypes, lack of education have led to a self-perception problem (one of a victim mentality based on both real and perceived injustices) which has stunted the social and economic growth of many blacks in North America. What I can say with great certainty is that the black community needed alot more Martin Luther King's rather than Malcolm X's, Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's as role models.


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
My parents immigrated to Canadian the 70's ..worked hard at shitty jobs and raised us to have a good education and the chance at a good honest life... I am not rich, I work hard and have my good life in Canada... I hope to be able to pass this on to my children one day(when I do have them)... I am richer in some ways others will never understand...I am lucky.. and will always be thankfull... Canada is a great place to Chase your dreams .. how bad do you want it? ...and are you willing to go after it?


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

...I am going to pretend for a second that this isn’t a really ignorant question coming from an ignorant person, and treat you like you just arrived from another planet.

I only have 4 to 5 years of history in Canada, so I won’t be able to speak much to what the historical social / economic climate here is, though if I am still in the mood later in this post I might try.

Regarding the United States…

There are a several factors, some objective, some subjective, that contribute to the problem of which you speak. For example, you state that people of African decent (“black people”) have been in the U.S. for 400 years. However, it wasn’t until roughly 40 years ago that Blacks were actually legally guaranteed accesses to the same educational and employment opportunities as whites. Until that time period it was perfectly legal to not hire a man because he was Black, perfectly legal to deny a woman access to a university because she was Black, perfectly legal to deny opportunities (such as business loans or mortgages) to families because they were Black. 40 years ago. Mid 60’s. And today, while legal protections exist, they frequently are still of no value. Many, many studies have shown that even when experience and education are equal, whites are still favored over Blacks in hiring practices.

Now I realize you are both young and ignorant, so I will tell you something you might not realize – 40 years isn’t a very long time to overcome an unfair playing field when it applies to an entire race or culture. Some do overcome of course – no doubt many people (LancLad, where are you?) would point to someone like myself and say “See? He can do it. He has a six figure income, has a house in Oakville, drives an expensive SUV. Why can’t they all?” But the true litmus test of equality isn’t how the top 10% percentile do – I am able to succeed because I am relatively smart, and that relative intelligence has proven to be of value to others who thought I could make them more wealthy and in return were willing to make me modestly so. No, the TRUE test of a level playing field is what a society does with it members who are more like you. Clearly mildly educated, clearly of modest aspiration. Those who are ultimately destined to become no more than the working class.

If you are white, opportunity still exists. You don’t face media stereotypes that cloud how others view and treat you prior to having even gotten to know you. Your parents, perhaps also of the same working class stock, were also afforded the opportunity to earn a blue collar living – they weren’t turned away at the door 40 years ago when you were born, so they became janitors, and bus drivers and fire fighters and cops – good paying blue collar jobs which still are primarily staffed by working class HS and vocationally education whites (again, I am primarily speak of the U.S.). When you see this as a young man – that even your dimwitted sorry ass can make something of yourself whenever you decide to quit being a fuck up and actually do something with the space on this planet you take up, it gives you hope. You have a role model, and you go on to follow that role model (perhaps).

Now, if you are Black, barriers exist. Firstly, there is a very good chance that you have no such role model to emulate. Some of that is cultural, and lies within the Black community to correct. However, some of it is that legacy thing I am talking about. My former father in law would be a good example – he grew up in the deep south, was never afford an education beyond the 6th grade, and that education he received was piss poor because Blacks were denied access to the decent schools that whites attended. Instead they were shuttered to schools with no heat, no books, crowded classrooms, etc. My former fatehr-in-law can barely read - despite having a 6th grade education. Despite this, my former father-in-law made his way to the north as a young man, made a VERY modest living pressing clothes in a dry cleaner, saved up enough money doing so to be able to buy that cleaners from the owner (How hard was that? Well, when you press clothes you get paid by the piece, and typically that pay is measured in cents. Just how much do you think they are going to pay a person to press a shirt when it costs 99 cents to get a shirt cleaned and pressed?), and then built that one cleaners into a chain throughout the Chicago area, despite the fact that being a Black man of modest education meant banks weren’t exactly real warm and fuzzy toward him, at least not in the beginning. Now, that legacy became what his daughters followed – one attending Northwestern University (the Harvard of the Midwest many would say), the other graduating the valedictorian (do you have that in Canada? not sure if it is just a U.S. term) of her H.S. class, and then going on to attend the University of Illinois as Chancellors Scholar (I am guessing you don’t know what a University Chancellor is…suffice to say this honor meant she was one of the top students on campus). Oh yeah, and one of them married me (obviously).

Now - a family legacy of middle class has been created…going forward in that family the kids will be expected to do well in school, go to college, make something of themselves. But who showed my father-in-law the way? What would have happened had he not had an INCREDIBLE level of ambition and intestinal fortitude? Do you understand my point here?

Of course not….

Black people are poor because their parents were often poor.

Black people are under educated because their parents never knew that education could or would open doors. And even sometimes when they had education, those doors were still slammed in their face, forcing them to question its value.

Black people often fail to succeed because they are often denied opportunity, be it from banks, or from every day people who assume any Black man not as educated or articulate (or good looking) as myself must be a trouble maker.

It isn’t that it is impossible. It is that it is more difficult. And invariably, across any sample size measured in the millions, you just aren’t going to beat the odds if they are stacked against you. Again, it isn’t that those who represent the best have not done well…the Ken Chenault’s of the world (yes, I know you don’t know who he is – read a book). It is that those who are just average and everyday still face a harder path than anyone else.

Its only been 40 years Baby Milo. Think of it this way – my great grandfather could not read because he was not permitted to. He would have been KILLED had he ever been caught reading a book. My grandfather was very much a poor man who while never a slave, might as well have been. He had no laws to protect him from the unfair practices of sharecropping, and no laws to protect him from out and out blatant discrimination. No way under the sun would he have ever been allowed to educate himself or to succeed in life. My mother knew first hand the discrimination of the 60’s when it came to education and employment. She attended a mediocre high school, dropped out because she needed to work to provide for her family (sisters, brothers), and got as far in her career as you could probably expect a Black woman with a GED and a kid to get. Later, in a different social climate she would go back to school…get an Associate degree…then a Bachelors…then a Masters…then a Ph.D at age 57. But while she was raising me? It was as struggle to make ends meet. Me? She knew enough to send me to private grade school, and I knew enough to get myself admitted to the top public high school in Chicago, but there was no money for college. I sent myself…worked full time while going to school full time while playing football because I kept hoping maybe I’d get a scholarship (never happened). Got my Bachelors, later in life got a Masters. And now my kid goes to one of the most prestigious schools in the city of Toronto. A legacy. But what if my mom and I were just average, everyday, regular people? If I were honest and hard working, but didn’t have anyone to show me how to dress for an interview, or how to behave, and I didn’t have a Master’s degree or mildly higher than average intelligence…what if I were just a regular everyday Joe? Would I stand the same chance of being able to land a nice lower level supervisor / management job as a white guy whose dad had the same type of job when he was a kid? Could I then send my kid to a $1500/month school so that he could have a leg up on the game?

Now, I know you didn’t understand all of this, and I also know someone will counter post some ignorance in response. And some of the things others will say will be true in regards to ownership of systemic issues in the Black community. But again – if you are asking “why” in regards to millions of people, well, in the U.S. the issue is “legacy”.
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New member
Oct 28, 2006
Paula Zahn has a series on racism on CNN.

One of the social experiments done is mailing resumes to corporations with two kinds of names, white-sounding and black-sounding:

Black-sounding names = Sha/Ta/etc.-nika, Jamal, Monique, etc.
White-sounding names = Sarah O'Brien, Kevin McDonald, etc.

Guess who got a call back?

Another experiment involved whites and blacks calling potential landlords about apartments for rent. The person with the black voice was told no apartments were available, while the person with the white voice was told to come in and check the place out.

Also, real estate agents, as well as banks, have a history of turning blacks down when buying new homes, and/or directing them away from the "white" neighborhood.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Let me state for the record that I have not read the post by MLAM and have no idea what he may have said . I say that with the same sincerity and purity of mind that billy boy had when testifying about "that woman". With that in mind let me make one thing perfectly clear.

MLAM is a member of this board and hobbies therefore he has achieved a level of success that gives him the needed financial resources. So if he can do it so can the rest of them.

Seriously I have no idea what MLAM wrote or whether he even memtioned me. What you don't believe me.


I feel MLAM stated his position ( perception) very well from a deep south USA perspective but would not want to see this thread devolve into its logical conclusion which will be a lot of acrimony and name calling with many harsh things said.

I wonder just how guileless baby Milo is about this whole issue and question the wisdom of getting wound up by a topic seeded by a mischief maker.

These are the current musings from this oh so pasty white Brit. That is all , resume your regular activities.


New member
Aug 25, 2006
Thanks for all da helped me understand this topic better...

Thanks to MLAM for taking time to explain it to me..

yes im young, im starting to get racially aware, and im starting to get interested in politics/ history..
this is an internet forum and these questions u dont really ask to people in class/ on the street...

once again..tks...and srry if i offended someone...

I understand that slavery/ rasicsm is one of the reasons in da states...

BUT WHY ARE THEY POOR IN CANADA TOO??? I mean like I said, most black in Canada, are immigrants from the carribian or even directly from Africa...Most blacks arrived in Toronto in the 70's..80's...
They did not sit in da back of busses plus there was no racial seregation in modern Canada...

Blacks hav the same opportunities as other minorities in Canada...

P.S..I said Asians are richer than Whites (avarage)...I never said CHINESE were the richest...and Indians are Asian..South Asian whatever India is in Asia......but thats another topic....

statistics prove that Asians are richer than white americans...
asn said:
well i'm just posting this to annoy babymilo....i'm sure he has a problem with them too....but actually indian americans are the richest ethnic group and not asian americans.
P.P.S...I dont h8 black just curious why in every western country or even in africa they are in poverty...

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
Holy shit a "Black people are all the same" thread on TERB. Who would have thought? :rolleyes:

And holy fuck I agree with Lanclad. WTF!

asn said:
what i find really interesting is that babymilo talks (well types at any rate) like a black dude and then has problems with them.

oh i'm not black either

Oh I'm a black dude and I don't talk this way. How does a black due talk?


New member
Aug 25, 2006
ig-88 said:
Paula Zahn has a series on racism on CNN.

One of the social experiments done is mailing resumes to corporations with two kinds of names, white-sounding and black-sounding:

Black-sounding names = Sha/Ta/etc.-nika, Jamal, Monique, etc.
White-sounding names = Sarah O'Brien, Kevin McDonald, etc.

Guess who got a call back?

Another experiment involved whites and blacks calling potential landlords about apartments for rent. The person with the black voice was told no apartments were available, while the person with the white voice was told to come in and check the place out.

Also, real estate agents, as well as banks, have a history of turning blacks down when buying new homes, and/or directing them away from the "white" neighborhood.

sounds interesting...can u link me..tks


New member
Aug 25, 2006
One more thing...

People say Im trying to talk black...???

that doesnt make sense...

If I speak proper English, does that mean that im trying to sound White???


So according to to yall, Im supposed to sound like Jacky Chan, William Hung...

This has nothing to do with sounding/ talking black.,
I grw up with black ppl, got black homies...etc...
I grew up listening to hip hop..NWA, EAZY E, PAC, DRE, BIG ETC...

If someone is to blame, blame MTV....

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
smiley27 said:
3 years ago, Bill Cosby spoke on CNN on that topic. He was frustrated with the way African American people actually exclude themselves from the society. Unfortunatelly, the article is gone from the CNN site, but take a look at the discussion on TERB:

It`s fair to say that achieveing goals is more difficult for Afro-Americans than WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants). Now, Bill is saying that they also greatly contribute to their situation themselves. No pun intended. I`m just referring to what he said.
But that is a part of the problem. One has to start looking at themsleves aswell. Again a "part" of the problem.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Median is not average!

If you have three purple people in the USA, one making $1/year, one making $10 million a year, and one making $100 million, the median is $10 million. But there's still only 3 people.

I'd be interested in seeing what the average income is.
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