Toronto Escorts

why are some escorts anti-review?


New member
May 2, 2005
A review board is where people go to review "things"

It is no different than any other review is a open house to do what you want.

If you don't want to be reviewed.........don't come on here then .


New member
Sep 10, 2001
JoyfulC said:
Only because you have allowed it to be so. In other businesses (aluminum siding, used cars, home renovations, etc.) such advertising was tried but consumers put their feet down -- and put a stop to it. (At least for a while.)
cough, that is why we have review boards, which is ironic given the honouring of the "no review" policy

JoyfulC said:
If this is what your lawyer tells you, you should shop for a new lawyer.
not knowing the specifics of the case we are both talking over our heads

suffice it to say that if the suit was just about a review posted by a third party of the services of an escort I would say they did receive bad advice, however I would have to think that there was more to it than just that


Manitoba Horndog
Jun 11, 2004

Jeez - this started out as a discussion of reviews and looks like an endless debate between two posters. Michael Jackson's trial didn't have that much discussion! Can we talk about reviews in general and not just the esteem in which two don't hold each other? :(


New member
Sep 10, 2001
praridog said:
Jeez - this started out as a discussion of reviews and looks like an endless debate between two posters. Michael Jackson's trial didn't have that much discussion! Can we talk about reviews in general and not just the esteem in which two don't hold each other?
the thread is about "no review" policies of escorts

I just happen to disagree with boards honouring a "no review" policy, especially a bad review, however I do realize that many do not

of course your post was totally off topic :)
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
praridog said:
Jeez - this started out as a discussion of reviews and looks like an endless debate between two posters. Michael Jackson's trial didn't have that much discussion! Can we talk about reviews in general and not just the esteem in which two don't hold each other? :(

That's vintage Lyla. Verbal diarrhea. Leaps of logic you could drive an 18 wheeler through. She's not worth the time.


Manitoba Horndog
Jun 11, 2004
No review policy

dreamer said:
the thread is about "no review" policies of escorts

I just happen to disagree with boards honouring a "no review" policy, especially a bad review, however I do realize that many do not

of course your post was totally off topic :)
Discussing the merits of a no review policy with board members in general is perfectly all right with me. I was just commenting that the long exchanges between yourself and Joyful C were getting a bit much to read. At some point two people have to agree to disagree and move on?

As for the no-review policy, I have mixed feelings. Few people other than restaurant critics can have as much direct impact on a business as posters on a review board can have on an SP. There have been posts that some users threaten SPs with a bad review if they don't give them extra benefits. On the other hand, a bad review can be overcome with several good ones from satisfied customers. In case of doubt, I usually side with the SP -they take most of the risks and their livelihood is on the line.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Trouble is, Legos, if you review an escort who has a "no review" policy and she's given you good service, she's probably not going to see you again.

So have you done yourself any favours?

Being an escort and having run a review board, I am convinced reviews are, best case, useless -- worst case, an unnecessary hassle (like when someone provides inaccurate or subjective information) or a barrier to continued good service. And I'm only speaking of good reviews here -- as I've said many, many times, I agree with consumer alerts for rip-offs or deceptive operators.

But if people want to do the review thing, that's their prerogative. I would never attempt to insist that any customer NOT have access to reviews -- but I'm often amazed that some people on boards such as this think that an escort shouldn't have the right to have a "no review" policy or that the board shouldn't have the right to honour such.

You know what? If any one of you who object to a board honouring a "no review" policy were running a board yourselves -- at your own expense and liability -- my guess is you'd suddenly modify your stance. I've certainly seen it happen a few times over the years!! One guy who didn't modify his stance was Canada's Best -- and his reward was that he stood alone to deal with the expense of defending a lawsuit. From your armchairs, it's easy to criticize -- but until you've "walked the mile" don't even think you know what you might do.



New member
Sep 23, 2004
Then I wouldn't see her again, I don't care if she doesn't want to see me.
But if you find someone good, worth seeing, why would you do something to make her not want to see you again?

It's incredibly altruistic -- but it makes no sense.

Do I have the right to not get shilled or be subjected to B&S. I don't care what policy she has.
Yes, you do have that right.

You have the right to not see any escort who isn't supported by reviews that you trust.

You have the right not to see any escort who has a no review policy or who has no reviews.

But you don't have the right to insist that *every* escort be reviewed, whether she wants to or not.

Total BS. You know most of us have real jobs, where we pay real taxes and are subjected to liability every day. Welcome to the real world.
First, are you suggesting that Canada's Best wasn't paying any taxes? I know for a fact he had merchant accounts (credit cards) and so I think that it's highly unlikely that he wasn't paying any taxes. But whether he was or not is a separate issue. Injustice isn't more appropriate for some than for others. Injustice is injustice.

Secondly, it's one thing to be responsible for any liability you can control -- but quite another to be responsible for liability incurred by anonymous and unaccountable participants.

If you want to put your real identity behind your reviews, then I'm sure every review board out there that can verify your identity will be thrilled to carry whatever you want to post.

But as long as you want to remain anonymous, then you need to cut the boards some slack too. It's just plain unrealistic to expect them to take the fall for any and everything some anonymous poster chooses to publish.

That's the real world.



New member
Sep 23, 2004
Yep, but they can still make life hell for you for anything they can prove (or anything they can recover).

Death and taxes are a fact of life. If you don't want to pay taxes, there are ways to avoid it -- but one way involves expensive lobbying (a la corporations), and another involves not owning any recoverable assets (a la streetwalkers, crack dealers, etc.).

You just have to accept the fact that politicians are people too -- and they deserve their slice of the pie. (Or at least their graft off the top.)

I have no problem with corrupt politicians as long as it just involves graft, some pocketed money, some funds directed in advantageous directions.

What I object to is governments putting on wars on false bases, so they can seize control of natural resources. And screwing the good people who trust and depend on them in the process.



Active member
Jan 16, 2004
JoyfulC said:
You just have to accept the fact that politicians are people too -- and they deserve their slice of the pie. (Or at least their graft off the top.)

I have no problem with corrupt politicians as long as it just involves graft, some pocketed money, some funds directed in advantageous directions.

Are you purposely PLAY DUMB again. :rolleyes:


New member
Sep 23, 2004
RemyMartin said:
Are you purposely PLAY DUMB again. :rolleyes:
Nope, I really believe that. I think that most jobs have their "hidden" benefits. Maybe for escorts, it's the "head" or massage. But definitely, we have our reasons for enjoying our work.

I can't imagine a politician putting up with all the shit in exchange for being "honest." There's got to be something in it for them. And realistically, I accept that. As long as it's just a matter of a construction project going to someone in their constituency. Or some free travel going their family's way. Or some business going to their buddy (who gives them a kickback). As long as it's all "good clean fun" and nobody gets killed or tortured or falsely imprisoned.

Let's face it -- would you be a politician? If there were no special benefits to be had? In these times, a person would be crazy to do so. Further, even if there were someone that honest to arise, his colleagues would lead the lynch mob against him. For no one has more to lose than they do by being compared to a truly "honest" politician.

Politicians serve a purpose and we need them -- just like whores do. You wouldn't expect a whore to be something more like a nun, would you? So let's be reasonable about what we expect politicians to be. It will help us to set more reasonable standards for our expectations of them.



JoyfulC said:
Nope, I really believe that. I think that most jobs have their "hidden" benefits. Maybe for escorts, it's the "head" or massage. But definitely, we have our reasons for enjoying our work.

I can't imagine a politician putting up with all the shit in exchange for being "honest." There's got to be something in it for them. And realistically, I accept that. As long as it's just a matter of a construction project going to someone in their constituency. Or some free travel going their family's way. Or some business going to their buddy (who gives them a kickback). As long as it's all "good clean fun" and nobody gets killed or tortured or falsely imprisoned.

Let's face it -- would you be a politician? If there were no special benefits to be had? In these times, a person would be crazy to do so. Further, even if there were someone that honest to arise, his colleagues would lead the lynch mob against him. For no one has more to lose than they do by being compared to a truly "honest" politician.

Politicians serve a purpose and we need them -- just like whores do. You wouldn't expect a whore to be something more like a nun, would you? So let's be reasonable about what we expect politicians to be. It will help us to set more reasonable standards for our expectations of them.

Joyfulc, I have been reading your posts for sometime now, and even if I did not agree with you, I understood where you were coming from. This last post however is one that I do not understand and do not agree with what so ever. How can we say that it is acceptable for our politicians to be corupted, to be thieves that prey on the taxpayers, that are allowed to be outside of the law that you and I must follow? It is like saying that the cops are outside of the law and can kick the shit out of anyone that they want to. No, there is a standard, and when in a position of authority this standard needs to be upheld and it is more important for the people in power to stay true to the standard than those that do not have the power. We as the people of Canada should not accept this as a given fact and that it is their given right not to be honest. That is their job, just like it is the job of the cops to protect society, not going arround kicking the shit out of people just because they feel like it. Policitians being honest is not too much to ask for and in fact should be demanded by the people of Canada.


New member
Apr 27, 2005
I agree

figjam4 said:
Joyfulc, I have been reading your posts for sometime now, and even if I did not agree with you, I understood where you were coming from. This last post however is one that I do not understand and do not agree with what so ever. How can we say that it is acceptable for our politicians to be corupted, to be thieves that prey on the taxpayers, that are allowed to be outside of the law that you and I must follow? It is like saying that the cops are outside of the law and can kick the shit out of anyone that they want to. No, there is a standard, and when in a position of authority this standard needs to be upheld and it is more important for the people in power to stay true to the standard than those that do not have the power. We as the people of Canada should not accept this as a given fact and that it is their given right not to be honest. That is their job, just like it is the job of the cops to protect society, not going arround kicking the shit out of people just because they feel like it. Policitians being honest is not too much to ask for and in fact should be demanded by the people of Canada.
I agree with you. My interpretation of this is that she started out by protesting war and got carried away with accepting any other activity by politicians as long as it is not violent.

Just my two cents,


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Figjam, I guess I take a more pragmatic view of this than you do. While I feel that politicians should be held to some reasonable standard, I also believe that it's a tough job for the money they're paid, and we probably couldn't get people to do it just for that. And even if someone was willing to, those that are dishonest (the majority) would be very quick to undermine him/her. That's just reality, baby!

I can only speak for myself: if I was to hear that some politician representing me was guilty of kicking a little business/$$ in a direction that might result in his getting a kickback or a reward further down the line, I would be neither surprised nor outraged. But if the same politician jumped on some ideological bandwagon that resulted in tens of thousands or even hundreds of people dying and suffering -- or even one man being sent off to some country where he was tortured -- that I might get torqued over.

Being pissed off about a politician using his or her position to for their own personal gain is about as reasonable as getting pissed off at an escort for having an orgasm on your time. Both probably do their best work when the rewards go above and beyond the pay they're supposed to receive for the job. With respect to the escort, only an idiot would get annoyed if she dared to enjoy herself -- what would he prefer? That she grit her teeth through the whole thing? And with respect to the politicians, the only people who seek to make a big issue out of graft are those who want to be in their shoes. Give them the chance, and they'll do the same thing ... and if they don't, their fellow politicians will take them out.

That's just reality. Deal with it.

(And yeah, cops routinely beat people up, just like DA's or Crown Prosecutors routinely pressure innocent people to make deals. It happens. Be aware of it and try to avoid having it happen to you!)



JoyfulC, you live in a different world, one I am happy not to live in. Be well in your world and I hope the best for you.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Hey, it's just reality. You don't need to believe me -- just read the news.

You can get torqued out of shape about it, or you can just recognize the pattern and work with it. I prefer to do that latter.

There are some things we can do, some influence we can weild. But let's be realistic. We ask a lot of our politicians -- but we cannot ask them to work for substandard pay while they have better offers. That's just the facts, dude.

I just want them to do right by me and what I'm trying to do. If they can do that, then I can't really attack them for getting what they can as a byproduct of their position.



Nice to hear from you JoyfulC.

You are however missing the whole issue here. It needs not be explained, it is either in you or it is not. It is clear that it is not in you, that is ok, you are you that is fine. Once again, luck in your world.
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
There goes Lyla again spewing her verbal diarrhea on TERB. She takes a thread on no-review policies and drags in politics. Lyla stop polluting this board with your agenda and move on.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Yeeps! Ric! Why are you so focused on me!

Stop trying to control who posts what. When you are really confident in your POV, you'll just post your thoughts and let others post theirs -- and let the chips fall where they may.

You seem like such a sad little guy!

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