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why are some escorts anti-review?


Whatever member...
Mar 6, 2004
Come on peoples!

Do we really need that kind of shit here? ALL OF YOU: Just stop responding to each other, ladies and gents included. There will be no winner here and it only poison the ambiance.

There's a diffrence between a discussion and name calling. That line must not be crossed and it was a few time in this thread.



Whatever member...
Mar 6, 2004
It doesn't apply just to Lyla... :rolleyes: Guess who else? ;-) (hint: at least 2 more person, 1 male and 1 female... ;-) )

Have a nice long weekend! (Yheaa!!!)


Active member
Jan 16, 2004
Metoo4 said:
Do we really need that kind of shit here? ALL OF YOU: Just stop responding to each other, ladies and gents included. There will be no winner here and it only poison the ambiance.

There's a diffrence between a discussion and name calling. That line must not be crossed and it was a few time in this thread.

who are you?


Whatever member...
Mar 6, 2004
I don't get it... ??

RM, your point is??

I'm just a member of this community who's tired of seeing childish attitude and would like peoples to grow up and start thinking before they post. Nobody is here to get bashed and flamed. This is a discussion/review board, not a demolition derby. Any discussion can be done in a civilized way. No need to get down and dirty. I don't think I'm the only one in this position.

Anybody who forget these guidelines should expect to be reminded, doesn't matter by who as long as the reminder is not done the same way the offence was done. Sometimes, the reminder might be stronger than other and I believe this thread warranted such stronger action.

Sometimes, reading this board look like being is an elementary school yard with the name calling, insults and accusation of all kinds... :( We're all supposed to be adults here, let's act like such. (this is not directed to you, RM, unless you think the hat fits)

Is my thinking a problem? If you think it is then, I rest my case because you just proved my theory.


Fun Lover
Apr 18, 2005
Absolutely agreed! Thanks for stating it so well!
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
Lyla's under the microscope as far as the Moderators are concerned. They won't let her ruin the Ottawa section. Recognize that she's been banned from TERB in the past and her board, Lyla's List, flopped due to her agenda and personal attacks on members holding a contrary view. I tried in this thread to blow her cover and tell her she's not going to get away with it this time. This thread started off as a discussion on why some SPs are anti-review and before you know it she's degenerated the thread into a political debate and direct personal attacks. I won't stand by and watch her do that. If she wants to discuss politics there's a section for that on this board and she can do it there until she's blue in the face (which no doubt she will, even if it means posting back to back and arguing with herself). The Moderators have agreed and they're keeping an eye on her. I have too much respect for this board to let her get away with it. If she turtles for a while and then comes back on ranting do the proper thing, like I did, and let the Moderators handle it. I admit I brushed her back first but she deserved a strong rebuke. That's all I'm going to say about this.


New member
Apr 4, 2002
In the corner
Our Mr Flair is almost as bright as the WWE guy!! Let Lyla post here, she has useful opinions and knows a lot about the industry and the gals involved.

Seems a pity that we attack gals and let guys post any old rubbish.


Whatever member...
Mar 6, 2004
I agree with you that, in this thread, Joyful was going overboard. But elsewhere, as long as it's not harmful, I don't mind her posting her opinion, no matter if I agree or not. She seems to have an opinion on everybody and anything but so what? As long as nobody is called names and there's no vandetta going on, no problems. There wasn't, IMO again, much cause to get her banned until she started to fight with you and Lust. It was all harmless "childplay". Looked stupid to me but still harmless. It was only somebody's opinion against others.
The way you "exposed" her was sort of a problem IMO. To me, saying somebody is "legion stuff" or "all piss and vinegar" or suggesting they're on medication, to remember only these qualities you gave her, is a bit heavy. To me, that was looking for trouble, not trying to get somebody to stop acting silly.

Now, let's try to all get along. Or let's see how long it will last...
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