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why are some escorts anti-review?


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Why not respond to the question?

Why ARE you so obsessed with putting down another poster? Are you afraid of something? Maybe afraid that you can't hold your own, with respect to viewpoints, so you have to go on a personal attack?

You seem like a very insecure little man.



New member
Sep 23, 2004
Oh Rick! You got someone to come to yur defense!!! I'm touched.

And the anal expert, at that! (The chick who thinks through her ass)

I'll just go wipe my tears now!



New member
Sep 23, 2004
Yeeps!!!!! I just visited luv4lust's site for the first time.

I can understand now, Ric, why you resent me so much as an escort. If this is your taste in women, then I can imagine your response to someone like me.

I'm truly sorry. I didn't mean to insult your preferences.



The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
correction i am not the anal queen i'm a cock sucker!!!! tell ya what lets be friends. get up out of your rocking chair slap thoes false teeth back in your yap and lets go to the bar. you can be my body guard, if anyone askes me to dance you can club them over the head with your cane then pop out thoes chops and gum them to death ok. then we can go to the drug store and buy you some poly grip and i'll take you to mcdonalds sound good JC :D

have a good night muahhhhh


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Sorry, I am not available to accompany you to your usual bar-fly evening.

I have a life.

We've just finished dinner here tonight, and since I don't have a late appointment, we'll probably watch some TV or a DVD and go for a late dip in the pool before turning in for some private marital fun.

I am 47, luv4lust -- soon to be 48. I am SHOCKED that you think that people my age require canes and false teeth -- is this what you think of most customers my age?? -- but then, maybe that's where you're headed. I've seen your web site, and you sure look like you've had a rough life. Sadly, it doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to wear yourself out in less than 40 years, you know (... or are you much older than you claim you are?).

Oral, anal ... what's the difference? It's all just a hole, isn't it? I'm so sorry for you that you never achieved any more self-esteem than that -- but it's encouraging to see that you're doing what you can with what you've got. So many woman like yourself just sponge off welfare. Do you collect social services?



New member
Sep 23, 2004
Yes, I know you were insulting me -- but I think anyone who checked out your site and checked out mine would find that quite hilarious. Let's face it, you're only one step above Canada's Mad Cows (... maybe Mad Swine??).

The point is that neither you nor Ric can tell anyone else what to post here. Each of us posts what we want, and each of us are evaluated by both the vocal and silent readers.

...and that's what scares people like you and Ric. That's why you feel the need to try to control what other people post and to try to intimidate anyone who posts anything you don't like. Because you know that there are people looking on who, while they might not say so, might agree. That's something you just can't deal with.

Many of us here on these boards post what we think, what we believe -- and we let others do the same. It's people like you and Ric who try to intimidate other people from posting, who try to control what gets posted here.

This thread started off about escorts who don't want to be reviewed. I think that's legit. If an escort prefers not to be reviewed, then I think she should be respected. If she's a good escort, it will be -- but if she's not, then obviously, it won't be. So consumer rights will be protected either way.

Those who insist on detailed, explicit reviews of each and every escort are just looking for free entertainment -- you can bet they're reading these reviews using one hand on the mouse and the other hand????

Customers like Ric and escorts like you seem to indicate a need for all kinds of third party advocacy -- but the fact is, good escorts and good clients manage to connect without any need for public exposure.

This is a discreet business, on both sides. There's no reason for any escort to be exposed here UNLESS she's ripping people off.

And yet, an escort like myself, who enjoys an excellent reputation with the gentlemen she sees, is defiled here on TERB simply because she doesn't kiss ass to people like you and Ric.

I have the right to say whatever I want here. Comment on the content -- not on me. Because last time I looked, you didn't know me -- and if I have my way, you won't. You don't look like the kind of person I'd hire to come and clean up my garbage.

Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
luv4lust said:
correction i am not the anal queen i'm a cock sucker!!!! tell ya what lets be friends. get up out of your rocking chair slap thoes false teeth back in your yap and lets go to the bar. you can be my body guard, if anyone askes me to dance you can club them over the head with your cane then pop out thoes chops and gum them to death ok. then we can go to the drug store and buy you some poly grip and i'll take you to mcdonalds sound good JC :D

have a good night muahhhhh
Too funny !!!!

Lyla, I've never met or talked with luv4lust. The only common link is that she too thinks you love the sound of your own voice. Your senseless arguments just churn around in circles until you tie yourself in knots you can't get out of. But then we share that link with the rest of the members on the board who have had the unfortunate experience of reading any one of your posts.

What's up tonight, run out of meds ?


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Ric, have you ever considered that maybe luv4lust is trying to suck up for your business? I imagine she has to get it where she can.

So? Would you see her? What do you think of her, based on her web site, photos?

(I'm thinking I'm going to need some serious meds later tonight. I might have played in the pool a bit too long this afternoon, and now I look like a lobster!!! And yes, for those who are familiar, I was wearing THE bathing suit that gave me the hilarious tan lines last summer. ;) )
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
Lyla, I think you have your hands full worrying about where your next client is going to come from lol !! I guess you must do well on legion nights though. They're a sure thing !


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Don't worry about me, Ric, I do fine.

But I look forward to seeing your review of luv4lust. Is she your type of escort? I mean, she agrees with you and kisses your butt, eh? Isn't that what you look for in a woman?



New member
Sep 23, 2004
Maybe so. But all it means is that you painted yourself into a corner where you had to go running and tattletailing.

You had your chance to deal with this as a real man -- but let's face it, you couldn't.

You're right -- in the past, I have been banned for my victories over little wimps like yourself. And perhaps I will be this time again.

But the fact still remains -- you're the one who kept on harassing and insulting me, making this thread about me and not about the content or about what I had to say with respect to it. You never responded to what I said -- instead you chose to insult me.

And I could have gone running to the moderators -- as you've now done -- but instead I chose to take you on myself.

Luv4Lust is one of the advertisers here (and maybe you?) so maybe I will get banned. We'll see.



New member
Sep 23, 2004
I should note too, thanks for giving me the heads- up. In the past, I feel that I have been banned unfairly from TERB -- but they were able to get away with it because I didn't have any evidence of it. This time, you at least gave me the chance to get all the evidence off before anything happened. Thanks.



New member
Apr 4, 2002
In the corner
ricflairjuniour said:
Lyla just loves the sound of her own voice and goes on and on until she twists herself up in knots. Never makes any sense.
I guess some guys like articulate women and some don't, personally I like a lady with brains and opinions!!
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
Lyla get a grip. 3 back to back unanswered posts and you go on. Pretty sad. My point is that every time you come on you try and drag everyone down into the mud. Why would I let you do it other than to prove my point ? - which you did in flying colours. You're all piss and vinegar.

I won't take the bait but believe me, Lyla, if I did, you'd be dust.

I'm sure Fred will consider your reputation, your past experience on Lyla's list and previous bans and do the right thing, Lyla.
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